Holiday School Terms & Conditions / FAQs for Parents and Carers

Can you tell me about the staff who will be working in the summer schools?

Footlights staff teams are qualified to at least degree standard and have a background in performing arts. The majority of our staff have worked professionally in the industry and also teach at our Saturday schools. Staff receive ongoing training in various aspects of child supervision and care, including behaviour management, safeguarding, first aid and activity delivery. The average time a tutor is with Footlights is three years translating to a good staff retention statistic.

A typical day
Our core hours are 10am- 4.00pm where lessons take place in acting, singing and dance.  Children are split into age groups; however, if we have best friends or siblings together and they want to stay together, then we try to accommodate this the best we can if the gap is no more than two years. Each day, the children will be involved in a warmup, workouts, and everything in between, learning lines, routines and songs, with several different tutors; each activity lasts 45 minutes to an hour and then is swapped to something new to keep them engaged and of course learning at an optimum. We guarantee they will be exhausted at the end of the day.

What if my child doesn’t make friends?
We do our upmost to encourage children to get to know each other, we tailor our drama warm up sessions in the mornings so that children have the opportunity to find out information about each other too. Sometimes, children like to be on their own more than others, please don’t worry if your child is like this if there are no other signs of anything to worry about. If your child enjoys being on their own at breaks, we suggest that during break times, they sit with other children, but they can have ‘time out’ from the others. We don’t encourage electronic devices of any sort as this gives children time away from screens and an opportunity for physical play and building relationships with their peers. It is also your sole responsibility, not Footlights if your child or young person’s device gets lost or damaged or left behind.

What if my child or young person isn’t enjoying it?
If your child loves performing or shows an interest in the performing arts, we are sure they will feel right at home with Footlights. However, we wouldn’t want any child unhappy, so of course, you are entitled to remove your child at any time within reason. Unfortunately, deposits and fees are non-refundable, but if you have booked more than one week, we will refund you the following weeks minus the deposit. Don’t be alarmed, though, if after the first day, your child says they are ‘not sure’ if they like it. It takes some children longer to settle and find their way. Think about the courses you have been on where it takes you a day or two to settle in or when you start a new job. It’s perfectly normal, however, to be cautious and, of course, worry about your child, but do try and be rational and objective and let time speak for itself.

Will they be engaged?
Absolutely! We plan sessions every day to keep all the children stimulated. Most children who enrol at our summer camps do so because they have an interest in performing or they love the theme of the week. Our staff is trained to deliver high-quality lessons in performing arts, and we have a very high retention of staff and returning children, so we think we have the balance right.

What skills do they learn?
They will learn all aspects of acting, singing, and dancing, as well as improve on existing skills and learn new ones. If your child has never done any performing arts before, this is such a great way of introducing them to the theatre and stage. They learn so much more than performing arts at Footlights skills such as teamwork, socialisation, and friendships as well as technical skills, for example, timing, comprehension (learning lines, analysing scripts, building characters), how the body works, how to use their voices correctly, how to prepare for a show or a deadline, discipline, respect and above all how to have fun away from the school desk or screen. They are also mixing with like-minded children all day long, which is what a lot of our regular children enjoy the most.

How do the teachers know who my child is?
Our teachers take the time to get to know each child individually in a group setting. They ask questions and encourage children to talk about themselves in a structured forum. Each time they deliver a drama session, they get to know a little bit more about your child. This helps build up a
profile, and your child will feel more relaxed with us and feel like they are valued. We take pride in building relationships with not only your child but you, too, as this is often the key to quality teaching and learning.

Do you post updates on my child and the class on social media?
Yes, we love social media, so you can see your child’s progress and up-to-the-minute videos of classes. Of course, we will absolutely respect your wishes if you choose not to have your child on social media. We do have several Footlights staff per day checking our social media to ensure we have the right viewers, but of course, the decision is yours.

Who supervises lunch and breaks?
The staff often sit in the same room as the children for lunch, and we organise activities such as pop quizzes, film sessions, and chill-out games. Please be assured that they are always in our care.

Can my child bring their phone?
Your child can bring their phone, but this is at your own risk. Footlights Epsom will not be held responsible for any damages or loss to personal property. If you do want your child to bring their phone, we suggest handing it to us on arrival, and we will put it in our office for safekeeping. We understand it’s the 21st century, and lots of kids have phones. However, this can sometimes cause you, the parent or carer distress if they ‘text’ you that they are not happy, as very often, two minutes later, they are gloriously happy with a new friend! Ask yourself the question – is my child allowed their phone in school? Have they been ok all day without it?

Is there a first aider?
Yes, there is at least one qualified first-aider at each centre.

What if my child has an accident?
You will be notified by phone within minutes if your child has a head injury. For minor cuts and grazes, our first aider will deal with them and complete an accident form, which you will be given a copy of when you come to pick your child up. For major incidents, 999 will be called immediately, and then, of course, you will be called.

What if my child feels unwell?
If your child feels unwell, our first aider will talk to them, do a risk assessment and check them for signs of a high temperature and dehydration. Our protocol is that we give the child ‘time out ’and a glass of water and or dry biscuit and monitor them. If this continues for more than an hour we will call you to discuss.

What about lunches and breaks?
The children have two breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and an hour for lunch. Please ensure
you pack them a refillable drink bottle, plenty of healthy snacks and a packed lunch. We can provide hot water for pot noodles and, in some cases, warm food up. It’s a long day, and they do get
hungrier than usual, but lots of healthy breads, crackers, and fruit should help them see through. NO NUTS are allowed on any of our sites.

What does my child need to bring on the day?
•   Footlights do not provide food at our holiday clubs. A healthy and nutritious packed lunch is required.
•   Please note: all Footlights Holiday Schools are nut-free zones.
•   Please also bear in mind that refrigeration is minimal at our centres, but not impossible!
• The packed lunch recommendation is non-fizzy drinks, fresh and non-processed food such as fruit and vegetables, wholemeal bread and biscuits, raisins, natural yoghurts, crackers, ice packs, frozen gel or frozen juice drinks.
•   Drinking water is always available.
•   We recommend packing according to our unpredictable English weather. On any given day, this
should include sun cream, sun hat, waterproofs and warmer clothing.
•   We would also suggest clothes that you don’t mind getting messy due to our outdoor play philosophy and arts & crafts activities.
•   Please ensure all items brought to Footlights are clearly labelled. Children should not bring any valuable toys or belongings with them, as Footlights cannot be held responsible if they go missing.
•   All tablets, phones, and games will only be allowed at lunchtime (not break), and these are brought in at your discrepancy and Footlights cannot be held responsible, nor can any other child.
How does drop off and collection work?
•  The standard day runs from 10am till 4.00pm. Registrations for this session will open at 10:00am.
•  We operate a secure drop-off and collection system. A parent or guardian must sign all children in/out each day.
•  If your contact details have changed since you last attended a Footlights holiday club or have had any medical updates, please ensure this is communicated to head office and the venue’s staff.

Can my child be in the same group as a friend, brother or sister if they are different ages?
Footlights Holiday Schools has activities suitable for all ages, and we can accommodate mixed-age groups for most activities. Therefore, if your child would like to be grouped with friends or family, we will accommodate as best we can.

What happens if someone else needs to pick up my child?
Only the people you write on the register on the day can pick your child up. They will also need to bring photo ID.

My child is going to be absent or I need to cancel a session, what should I do?
•   If you have paid in full, you will receive a credit note, which can be redeemed against a future workshop or stage school fees.

What if my child doesn’t want to attend after the first day?
We try to give you as much information before your child joins us, please check that your child loves the performing arts before they join. This isn’t childcare, we CARE for your child, but we are delivering performing arts leading to a performance. They don’t necessarily have to be in the show, but if football or playing video games is more their thing, Footlights isn’t the place for them! We sometimes have children who don’t want to attend the next day because they didn’t get the part they wanted. While we understand their disappointment in not getting their dream role, we do try as much as possible to spread the material evenly, not just lines but songs and dances, so everyone feels included. We also feel strongly that a performance relies on the ensemble, not just the ‘lead’ character’s name. They learn so much more during the week than the show material. They learn discipline from the early morning to lates finishes, they make new friends, they socialise out of their usual friendship groups. They are encouraged to make choices about their work, they learn to listen and speak when appropriate, they join in all the warm ups, stretches and fun exercise As well as being physically active, burning off lots of energy through dancing and singing. The drama element also offers a ‘safe space’ where children and young people are free to express not only their creativity but their emotions too. We will not refund you based on a) your child or young person ‘changing their mind’ b) not wanting to return because they didn’t get the part they wanted. Whilst we appreciate all
feedback and act on it, we refuse to get into any conversation regarding the number of lines a child or young person receives, so please think before booking, we cannot refund afterwards.

What if my child is too poorly to attend?
They can transfer to another week or hold a credit for the next summer school. Alternatively, you can sell their place to a friend.

What if my child requires medication whilst at the holiday school?
Footlights can only administer prescribed medication. Please ensure you hand any medication required to the assigned member of staff with a Permission to Administer Medicine Form. Footlights Epsom can email this form to you prior to your child attending. If your child requires regular
medication, we recommend you supply Footlights with extra medication, which can be stored at the school to avoid regular transfer of this medication. Please do not forget to collect any medication from us at the end of the holiday.

Is there a booking deadline for Holiday School sessions?
Subject to availability and sufficient staffing levels, Footlights can take bookings right up until the school is due to start as long as you have registered onto our online system. All children must be booked with their place confirmed by the system before attending. If your child attends the holiday school without a prior booking, we may have to turn them away depending on the availability of places for that day. How do I know if you have available spaces?  You can look at availability on our website or email us.

What if I need to cancel my booking?
Please email head office if you want to change, move, or cancel a booking. We cannot refund the cost of the booking; however, we can offer you a credit note to be redeemed against future holiday schools or stage school fees.

What shall I do if someone else is collecting my child?
Your child will not be able to leave with anyone that is not listed on your account as a collector.
You can add in people by logging in to your account and selecting my children and collector. Don’t forget to save this and add the person for each of your children.

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